It was noticed that Mark Cuban had started unfollowing a lot of well-known crypto Twitter accounts on November 21. The Dallas Mavericks owner has stopped communicating with a number of accounts, including Nansen, Uniswap, Solana, The Block, DeFi Pulse, Dapper Labs,...
Bob Iger, a supporter of the metaverse, has announced a sudden return to his previous position as Disney’s CEO, succeeding the company’s former CEO Bob Chapek. Iger is most known for his 15 years as the CEO of the multinational entertainment...
The now-defunct global crypto giant’s European unit, FTX Europe, unsuccessfully applied for a trading license in Switzerland. In the aftermath, the organization lost its Cypriot license. Although FTX’s application for a Swiss trading license has not been officially confirmed, local publication...
Despite the current market conditions, traditional financial institutions continue to demonstrate a variety of use cases for support of digital assets and DeFi capabilities. Compared to traditional financial service providers, the cryptocurrency market is the Wild West, yet many institutions are...
Brazilian institutional and retail sentiment toward cryptocurrencies may have been harmed by the collapse of the FTX crypto enterprise. However, it won’t have an impact on regular people because they will still utilize cryptocurrency for international transactions. Thiago César, CEO of...