Vladimir Krupnov, the Threat Intelligence Lead at the fast-growing challenger bank Revolut, recently spoke on a panel at the FMLS event. After explaining his role at Revolut, Vladimir discussed the company’s start-up culture and the challenges that rapid growth, with over...
DDOS attacks have plagued Bitcoin privacy apps and lightning nodes for the majority of this year, as TOR, the network used by many of these applications, has been under attack. In response, the MercuryWallet team decided to make their wallet compatible...
David Solomon (DJ D-Sol if we’re using stage names), chairman and CEO of investment bank Goldman Sachs, demonstrated this week that he’s stuck in the past with a Wall Street Journal opinion piece titled “Blockchain Is Much More Than Crypto.” The...
During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) stated that cryptocurrencies should not exist. “I’m not a financial person who does regulation, but I don’t see why this stuff exists,” Tester told moderator Chuck Todd....
According to the New York Times, US prosecutors are looking into whether FTX founder and former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried manipulated the prices of TerraUSD and Luna cryptocurrencies earlier this year to benefit his businesses. According to the report, prosecutors are investigating...